Beau Allen, DT
Beau Allen has played one of the toughest positions on the Eagles roster. That is backing up Flecther Cox. A backup to Cox means there is a very slight chance that you will get to play considering he is one of the best defensive linemen in football. That has been the story of Allen’s career here in Philadelphia.
There is no doubt that the Eagles would like to see Allen back on board for next season. But he would have to accept the fact that he is no more than a depth player here as long as Cox is healthy. That doesn’t mean that Allen hasn’t made an impact in Philly, it just means that there is no chance that he gets full-time minutes unless an injury occurs.
Allen just finished up his rookie contract and could be looking to play somewhere else if he is issued a starting opportunity. Considering that the market for a defensive tackle is quite overcrowded this offseason, there is a good chance that the Eagles can retain Allen on a cheap deal. If they lose him then it wouldn’t be a huge deal, but having him on board as a rotational player was a huge plus in 2017.