Here’s a Philadelphia Eagles-only and Big Ten-only three-round NFL Mock Draft.
It wasn’t long ago that the NFL world, the college football world, and Philadelphia Eagles fans were all worried about whether or not we’d have real on-field football to talk about. Well, we do have football to talk about. After months of debate, we got our college football season, but even though we began the campaign by watching a lot of Marshall football and some other schools that no one cares about, eventually an ACC and an SEC season began, and now, it appears that we’ll have Big Ten football to talk about as well.
Come on, NCAA football isn’t the same without battles for Paul Bunyan’s Axe, the Old Oaken Bucket, that Little Brown Jug, and the Freedom Trophy, but it’s ‘The Game’ that has college football fans talking about Big Ten football all year. That’s true whether you follow the Michigan Wolverines, the Ohio State Buckeyes, or neither team.
To celebrate, ITI’s staff thought we’d talk a little Big Ten football in the only way that we know how to do so, by mixing in a little Eagles content. How about a way-too-early, Eagles-only and Big Ten-only three-round NFL mock?
Whew! Did you get all of that? It’s time that we have a little fun. Here goes nothing.