Former Eagles QB Michael Vick expected to make a comeback

Michael Vick, Philadelphia Eagles (Photo by Rich Schultz /Getty Images)
Michael Vick, Philadelphia Eagles (Photo by Rich Schultz /Getty Images)

Who says the spring is about Major League Baseball and the NBA Playoffs? The USFL is in full swing, and if you’re really starved for America’s most popular game, there’s Fan Controlled Football. After all, the Philadelphia Eagles only play from September to January.

If you haven’t taken a moment to check out the FCF, you may want to make an appointment to be in front of your television to give it a look. It isn’t for everyone, but it’s worth at least one glance.

We’ve seen Johnny Manziel and a former NFL legend Marshawn Lynch suit up. We’ve seen former Eagle/Pro Football Hall of Famer Terrell Owens score a touchdown (he was traded recently). Now, it appears that they’ve announced another game-changer.

According to a report by Reuters, one that was published on the ESPN platform,  former Eagles quarterback Michael Vick has some interest in joining FCF’s brand.

The league has both cryptocurrency and NFT slants, so with the cryptocurrency market being in a bad place, there’s a possibility that Vick could be an attempt to raise the value of Fan Controlled Football or save it before the league is dismantled.

Who knows? At this point, we’re just guessing.

Is there any possibility of former Eagles Terrell Owens and Michael Vick joining forces?

Those of you who are gamers and have an affinity for the MUT (Madden Ultimate Team) mode of EA’s Madden NFL game have probably already thought of this (and you’ve probably already done this), but following the announcement of Mike Vick’s possible comeback, it’s hard not to have thoughts of him tossing dimes to Terrell Owens.

Vick isn’t as fast as he used to be, nor would we expect him to be. He can still pick them up and put them down though. He ran a 4.72-second 40-yard dash during Rich Eisen’s Run Rich Run charity event. T.O. has also lost a step, but he’s still a physical specimen and always has been.

Take a look at this.

Say what you want about the level of competition and the other variables that we can argue about, but for a 48-year-old man balling versus guys who are in their twenties, that’s pretty interesting.

At the time of this story being written and published, Vick has yet to be assigned to an FCF roster. Something tells us that every team will have some interest. Come on. Whenever you can say ‘Michael Vick’ and ‘comeback’ in the same sentence, there has to be some sort of interest.
