The NFL's annual league meeting nears for the Philadelphia Eagles and pro football's other 31 franchises. March 30-April 2 are the dates. If we're being honest. We're more concerned about a potential trip to Palm Beach, Florida.
We were informed of one of the topics a few weeks ago. The Green Bay Packers, in one of the most cowardly moves we have ever seen, filed an anonymous motion asking league offices to consider banning the Brotherly Shove.
Philly has also filed a petition. This one lacks the same selfish mindset and is done so with actually making an improvement to the game we love.
Eagles file motion to change the current regular-season overtime rule.
If you're familiar with this platform, you haven't heard us complain about the game we love very often. You have probably also heard us mention ending games with a tie once or twice.
We can't stand it. We'll never like the idea. Are we the only ones who feel like seeing an NFL game end in a tie is a waste of three hours?
Our beloved Birds' new proposal might not stop that madness, but it is still an improvement we'd like to see made to the game. Philly is asking the the regular-season and postseason rules be aligned, granting bot teams an opportunity to possess the ball regardless of the outcome of the first possession.
This would also be consistent with a 15-minute overtime session.
Overtime in the regular season is currently and ten-minute period which would end in sudden-death fashion if the first possession ends with a TD score.