By piecing a few conversations together, we can all get an idea about what Philadelphia Eagles head coach Doug Pederson is thinking.
If you’re a fan or a supporter of the Philadelphia Eagles, you’ve probably learned a few things during head coach Doug Pederson‘s tenure. Here’s an example. It’s difficult to remember any other period of this team’s history where another coach held things so tight to the vest.
That’s opened the debate table from time to time. At times, we’ve been told things straight from the source, only to learn something else was true (think Sam Bradford). At other times, we’ve debated whether or not Pederson was even involved in important decision making. Remember a trip the Eagles made to the Senior Bowl when they didn’t even take the head coach with them?
Regardless of how you feel about that, one thing’s certain. Coach Pederson is still the best shot we have at understanding what the mindset is of this team. Sure, he can’t tip his hat about everything. We understand that, but while we try to understand what is real and what isn’t, maybe we ca piece together a few press conferences, his periodic calls to Angelo Cataldi and the Morning Team and sound bytes in other interviews.
Here’s what we’ve come up with following the Eagles’ fifth victory of the season over the Carolina Panthers. Click to continue…