Philadelphia Eagles: 3 Reactions to a possible Malcolm Jenkins holdout
1. Is this a result of boredom or a potential contract discussion?
Here’s a controversial statement. Some of the vets can do with or without OTAs. At age 31, it’s hard to imagine that there’s a whole lot that ’27’ can personally learn from showing up. His coaches haven’t changed, nor has his routine.
He’s been through this OTA thing quite a few times, so you can’t really say there’s a whole lot of information given out that he isn’t already familiar with or could teach himself. Here’s the other side of that though.
Dude loves imparting wisdom into the younger guys, just think back to all the clips you’ve seen of the cameras following him around during Super Bowl LII. That throws out the theory that there’s some of sudden love loss for the game, so the next theory is this is probably the result of Jenkins’ desire to secure a new long-term deal for himself.
We’ll table that for right now and come back to that in a few ticks.
2. Has this happened in the case of Jenkins before?
Since joining the Eagles on March 11th of 2014, Jenkins has been present for every OTA session and just about everything else this team has done, so a sudden decision to go MIA comes as a shock to everyone. He’s done everything the Eagles organization has asked him to, so this is a noticeable absence.
He’s made the Pro Bowl three times in the last four seasons. During the 2018-2019 campaign, he played every snap, a feat that’s almost unheard of these days as the Eagles saw more than their fair share of injuries.