Sure, it’s taxing, a breeding ground for trolls, and more often than not, a very unhealthy and unsavory environment, especially if you’re talking about some Philadelphia Eagles football, but social media does have its advantages. Oh, you disagree? Well, though it’s easy to talk about what’s wrong with it, when you think about it, there are some positives.
It’s an excellent tool for reconnecting with friends and families. It’s also where so many of us began friendships that we still have today. That’s true of us and some of the guys we’ve cheered for on Sundays.
Philadelphia Eagles stars of the past and present hang out on social media.
Darius Slay and Terrell Owens played in two totally different eras of Philadelphia Eagles football and NFL football. They still obviously have a ton of respect for one another. Recently, two super Eagles fan accounts, Eagles Unfiltered and Mitchell and Ness Flagship Store shared some playful banter involving T.O.
Big Play and 81 took some time out to show each other some respect shortly thereafter. Take a look.
We need that @terrellowens Super Bowl jersey! #FlyEaglesFly
— Mitchell & Ness Flagship Store (@MNFlagshipStore) June 18, 2021
Let the @Eagles know I’m ready and available! #AgeAintNothinButANumber No 🧢
— Terrell Owens (@terrellowens) June 20, 2021
Here’s a controversial statement. Maybe you haven’t been keeping up with Terrell Owens, but he hasn’t changed much as he nears 50 years young.
Since his playing days, he’s called out former NFL stars and challenged them to foot races. He’s even had a nice showing versus one of the game’s current speedsters, Tyreek Hill. Check that one out when you get a minute.
Here’s the question though. Has anyone else thought that even though believing that T.O. making a comeback in 2021 at the age of 47 is ridiculous (he turns 48 in December), Terrell Owens on the field for about five plays a game could still be effective right?
Now, naturally, there’s some satire in that statement, so there’s no need to respond to this one with anonymous threats on the internet, but think about that. While you’re at it, ask yourselves a question. Are you certain, even now, that T.O. isn’t still better than ninety percent of the fifth and sixth wide receivers on some of these NFL rosters? Sure, we’ll never be given the opportunity to see for ourselves, but it gives us something to kid around about until training camp rolls around in August.