The Philadelphia Eagles have some hidden gems that shouldn’t be so hidden.
As Philadelphia Eagles fans, we tend to forget that the players we cheer for on a week-in and week-out basis struggle with some of the same things the general public has to endure when we go to work. Sure, they might have more followers on Twitter than you have and a much cooler job description, but there are some things that are parallel between battling through your daily grind and what the Birds have to put up with.
The Eagles are constantly thinking about turnover at the job, being fired, or even worse, seeing someone who’s younger and less expensive join the team (when you know he’s there to do the same job that you do).
Some of these young Eagles prospects and the veterans have a lot to think about as, over the course of a month. A 90-man roster will have to be slimmed down to 53 guys, but we’re a long way from having that happen. How about this? Let’s show some love to the underappreciated.
Tell the truth. That doesn’t always happen at your job either does it? Well, consider this Inside The Iggles‘ version of an office party the elite aren’t invited to. Here’s a quick tip of the hat to three Birds that don’t always get the credit that they deserve.