Eagles newcomers who will play huge roles in this team’s success

Kyzir White, Philadelphia Eagles (Photo by Abbie Parr/Getty Images)
Kyzir White, Philadelphia Eagles (Photo by Abbie Parr/Getty Images) /
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Some of the newest Eagles will play larger roles in how the coming NFL season turns out.

The waiting game is over. It’s full speed ahead from now until February when, hopefully, the Philadelphia Eagles are hoisting the Vince Lombardi Trophy.

Most of the experts, though they expect improvement from the team as a whole, don’t think that they can do it. Every coach and player in their locker room disagrees. The climb towards the top of the mountain begins with a two-week camp, ten practices, and three eventual preseason games.

Expect to hear a lot of discussion about some of the new guys as we move through the process. They’ll have a huge say in telling the tale of the 2022-2023 Eagles season.

43. player. 54. . . . Kyzir White, linebacker

Acquired by the Eagles on March 26th, Kyzir White might be playing on a one-year deal, but he’ll be a huge part of what the Birds and defensive coordinator Jonthan Gannon want to do schematically. Many dismissed his addition when it happened, suggesting that White was a placeholder or a band-aid, but he’s more than that.

37 starts during 47 in-game appearances in his first four seasons in the NFL has led to 278 tackles, 1.5 sacks, seven additional hits on the quarterback, four interceptions, two forced fumbles, and ten pass breakups. Trust us on this one. Kyzir White is going to make plays.

No one should be shocked if he’s extended and still on the Eagles roster in 2023 and beyond. Here are four other new faces who will pay huge dividends in their first season with the Birds as well.