If you listen closely, you can still hear people celebrating. Sure, we like the black jersey. That black helmet rocked as well. Heck, we realize that some of you didn't, but we even liked those white jersey-on-black-pant combinations. There's nothing like the kelly green Philadelphia Eagles ensemble though. Every time we see them, we think about Randall Cunningham, Reggie White, and those great Birds defenses that Buddy Ryan manufactured. It's going to be great to see the kelly green ensembles in 2023.
We haven't been advised of the games they'll be worn in. We're going to assume they'll be donned a few times, but no one knows. There's nothing like the nostalgia that they bring though, and it appears that we may have even been granted an advanced glance.
Here's a look at what the Eagles' alternate kelly green jersey might look like.
Whenever each NFL team introduces new threads, it's usually orchestrated into an event, one the franchise's official social media accounts celebrate on Twitter, Tik Tok, or Instagram. In an information age, however, it can be hard to keep things a secret. Don't look now, but Uni Watch seems to have gotten their hands on the new Jalen Hurts alternate jersey. Take a look.
The Eagles haven't gone the route of officially releasing images yet, and there are some questions about whether Philly might opt for a shade of green that resembles what they wore in Week 1 of the 2010 season, a game where Kevin Kolb was lost to injury and Michael Vick was re-introduced to the NFL's viewing public. This may state that they will not.
That game was held in honor of the 50th anniversary of what was then Philadelphia's most recent championship winner. It also featured a look that was more representative of the jersey that the 1960 NFL Championship team wore. This looks more like the hue Philly rocked from 1985 through 1995. Look, there go those memories of Clyde Simmons and Eric Allen again.
The Birds adopted the current midnight green look during the 1996 season, but again, for the die-hard fans, it will be fun to see the kelly green alternates a few times during the coming season. They have to do it right though. It doesn't work without the silver pants. We're going to assume those are pending.